So I got some weird hermit cabs with an order I did from J&L a few months ago.
You couldn't really tell they were not blue legs when they were little but now you can see the difference. The things are complete
bastards. They grow twice as fast as anything I've ever seen and they kill snails constantly. I saw one take a pincer off my sally lightfoot yesterday. They also are constantly on the move knocking stuff over and being a big PITA.
The first couple to get big I wrote off as a fluke and they went to visit in the puffer tank,

. Now I have 4 more that are growing up and causing problems.
I'm trying to figure out what they are. I have no problem letting them visit the puffers too but if they are something rare or unusual I'd keep them or give them to someone with an interest in such things.
I have some bad pics. They don't sit still much and my camera's auto focus has problems with that.
Here's a pic where you can see the pattern on the legs They are a blue / black colour with vertical white stripes on the legs. The stripes to don't wrap around like a left handed / zebra hermit.
Here's a close up of one of the smaller ones. He's got bright red Claws with white dots
And finally a comparison of one of them next to a regular blue leg.
Anyone have some ideas or know of a good picture reference?