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Old 04-18-2006, 05:22 AM
aquanot aquanot is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Chilliwack
Posts: 27
aquanot is on a distinguished road
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Thumbs up Way to go Xtasia!

I feel the same way. I joined Canreef because I thought it was the most honest and friendly reef website out there. My self, I would rather absorb as much information from people as possible and make my decisions based on people's experiences. I value everyone's information wether I agree with them, or not. Without everyone's imput, the saltwater hobby would not be where its at today. I feel when the posting rules changed, it sort of put a dark cloud over the website. Just because someone has been a member for more than 25 posts doesn't mean that the equipment you want to purchase from them will be in "A" one condition. We can look at it another way, if someone has been in a hobby for a long time and they are selling a piece of equipment, may be we should consider it that it has seen its day and it may be just a piece of junk. Some people may have tried salt water hobby and found it wasn't for them and they may want to sell their stuff. Like the old saying goes" buyer beware" If you can't see it, touch it, feel it, smell it, or lick it, then don't buy it. One other thing, I don't really like is when some people slam other people for trying new products and posting the results.
I know I've tried a lot of products that didn't work and if someone is willing to spend their time and money testing something I greatly appreciate it.
We may not all get the same results, but at least we have someone elses experiences to go by.
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