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Old 04-18-2006, 05:14 AM
HimSelf HimSelf is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Vancovuer
Posts: 98
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Default Wanted Aquarium maintenance in Vancouver

Hi there I don't know if this is the right place to post this but I'm going away for one month and need some one to come over twice to change water and be on call if my friend need any help with the aquarium (feeding or hardware questions or if the fish is sick).

My setup is very simple. 20gal, 2 clown, 1 small yellow tang, 1 coral band shrimp, got one hardy sps, zoos, and lps with two ananomies. no skimmer, just a canister filter and PC lights.

I live around 70th and Grandview in Vancouver and is willing to pay a fee for your service or if you want part payment in frags that's cool with me. I will be leaving on the 27th so please pm me with your info and price.

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