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Old 04-17-2006, 06:15 AM
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Chaloupa Chaloupa is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Campbell River, B.C.
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Default Maroon Clown fishing 101

1. get hook
2. bait hook
3. patience
4. fish
5. have net ready to scoop
6. place in bag with a big smile on face!!!
We have a 65 gallon hex reef with lots of coral and live rock...and a nasty white stripe Maroon clown . She picks on anything and everything and even will lift corals off ledges, and remove frags that I have just epoxy'd on...we decide that we need to get rid of her but how? We put the net into the tank so she wouldn't fear it and fed them all by it....almost had her twice but nope...we tried for over 3 weeks to catch her and were resigning ourself to keeping her...then we chatted with a fellow reefer and he suggested "fishing" for her. So off we go to the local tackle shop, tell him what we need and why (he of course looks at us like we are cracking up) and we pick up a #18 hook and some really fine line....debarbed it...and went fishing. After several attempts, one where we really didn't think we could do it and had no net ready...(refer to step #5), caught her and she got off, then rebaiting the hook as many others snapped up the food...we CAUGHT her! Now she is in a LARGE FOWLR tank and I am sure will be much happier (as will our fish!) Has a slight mark on her lip but ate within 5 minutes of getting into her new home. PHEW! Was I happy!
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

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