Originally Posted by Acro
Derek, Sounds as though you've been running this system the longest. Care to share some tank pics? You know what they say... The proof is in the pudding. and I've always thought pictures are the pudding in this hobby. So lets see the pudding. 
Hey Jamie,
The first tank was a 120 Gallon that was used as the display tank for Frag Factory, which went when I sold the business, so it is no longer going. It was mainly softie and LPS dominated with some SPS, which colored up nicely over the course of a few months.
Attached is a picture of a nano as it looks tonight that I am experimenting with the Reefresh system. It has a very heavy load in it, with 3 shrimp, 2 seahorses and 2 red banded pipefish that are eating mysis.
The tank has about 20 different colors of zoos, 30 different ricordia colors, a 3"+ Superman danae, 5 or 6 echinos and numerous acans including a maxima - All in a 12 gallon JBJ with 96 watts of PC lighting.
I am running no filtration on the tank other than live rock and carbon. I am dosing the Reefresh system daily and have not done a water change on the tank in over 6 weeks. My nitrates are at 0 and phosphates at 0.03. I clean the glass maybe once every 2 weeks when there is a very light film.
Hope this helps. I know that is is not an SPS dominated system but it is an indication of how it keeps nutrients down in a system.