Sorry Fudge/Cprowler/Ruth...
My snide remark earlier was uncalled for. And I would like to apologize to this forum for coming across abrasively.
And now..back to the regular program... =)
"If you don't add an appropriate carbon source, What happens ?"
The bacteria will stay in a planktonic state and can't form biofilms.
Bacteria use cell to cell communications to control gene expression amongst the cells. (This mechanisms is called quorom sensing). Some bacterial species use this to initiate biofilm formation.
At a high enough population density, these signals are able to instruct the cells to form biofilms. At lower densities, these signals are ineffective.
- If you don't add an appropriate carbon source. You can not reach the required population density.
- If you use an appropriate carbon source but without the addition of the right bacterial strains. Your bacterial flora will be in a ratio which will not permit the development of biofilms.
- If you use a different kind of carbon source like vodka or vinegar, you end up with a bloom of autotrophic bacteria. (Which are essentially useless for nutrient export)