You must have heard that from an advocate of DSB`s...
Yes it is Bomber, He has no need to lie, he gains nothing other than your understanding.
I am a skeptic, because for 15 years ive watched these products come and go, i am willing to bet 98% of them are all but useless.
Please understand polyp lab, im not trying to bash your product. I am sure you have put much time,effort and money into it.
But it bothers me to say "here add this source of carbon, vitamins and some amino acids....." to your tanks and it will be Nutrient Poor.
It seems backwards to me, the bacteria your not need to be there in the first place.
If your adding something...your adding something.
Tell me, if you do not feed these bacteria a source of carbon, what happens ?
Confucious say : Things that come to those who wait, will be things left over by those who didnt.