I don't think that anyone is bashing Polyp Labs at all. Sure there are lots of questions and some skepticizm about using a new product and as you say rightly so. Hell follow some of the early threads on RC about Zeovit if you want to see some big time skepticizm and outright bashing.
I think that Fudge has more than proved his ability as an outstanding reef keeper and has asked some very ligitimate questions. I think that it is the way that he was answered that has a few hackles raised - again rightly so. If you read the thread you can see that there are quite a few people that have taken the plunge and are using this product and I know that talking with the folks at J&L they are very excited about it and believe in the product. I have not tried it yet so cannot comment on the actual product one way or another but may try it in the future. For now I am waiting on a new reactor to continue to use the zeovit system as I have way too many of their products to give up now.
I think that Fudge and others have every right to ask questions about this system and I believe that Polyp Labs, if they believe in their product, which I am sure they do, have a responsibility to answer his and other questions, respectfully and politely and if this means answering it over and over maybe use the quote function to show that you have already answered that specific inquiry.
Let's not let this turn into a flame war but rather continue on in a respectful manner so that all of us can learn and decide for ourselves if we want to try this product on our reefs.