Well, now, people talk about the depth of a tank being the deciding factor, but why is it? For examply, "MOST" high light corals can be kept high up in the tank (SPS/clams) on the rock work. So what doe it matter deeper down if you only (say) have lower light corals there. Can too much light hurt a coral (aside from bleaching). I have a bubble coral that wasn't doing well at all under a 175 MH, under 400 watts of PC lighting it is doing much better. Has anyone heard of too much light bothering corals (not bleaching)? As well, aren't you limiting yourself by getting 250 SE bulbs a bit? I mean, when you read about many SPS corals they say a min of 250, recommened 400. That said some SPS junkies (Harvey) keeps them under 250's.
Have a good one!