Originally Posted by OCDP
IMO & IME Flames will take a nip at the mantle (the colourful part of the clam) .. mine did anyhow. I think (key word: think) if you were to keep his belly real full all the time.. the chances would be minimal. I couldn't keep feeding mine all the time due to my tank size.. but , if your really want one.. go take a shot at it. If you notice him taking an attraction to it, cover the clam with something (like a strawberry basket thingy, or something along those lines) and find another home for it. This way, you can see whether or not it will nip. It might not nip right away, it may in time.. just be prepared to cover it up and make alternative arrangements for it.
Of course, all of this is my opinion!
Just as Scott mentioned, angels can definetly vary. My coral beauty angel never expressed any interest in even tasting any corals or clams. Its typically a matter of luck.