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Old 04-12-2006, 03:22 AM
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Diana Diana is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: North Vancouver, BC
Posts: 550
Diana is on a distinguished road

Haha! To quote it perfectly anthony! LOL

I devised a good little water change strategy. I mixed a large bucket of salt water when I added the fry (part of the water they are in now is from this bucket). And there is also water in the tank around the glass bowl that is airated and the same temp as the water in the bowl. So, when doing a water change, I will remove water from in the bowl, replace that water with water from in the tank, and then replace the tank water with the bucket water.

Follow? hehe. Its a little confusing.... but that way the water going into the fry bowl will be exactly the same temp as the water in the bowl.


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