I did do a fair amount of research on the 'reef-safe' triggers...
By Reef-Safe I mean Invert, Coral, & small fish safe, not just coral safe.
With that said any trigger has the ability to eat corals, inverts & possibly fish. There are just a few species that are considered to be worth taking the chance on. These primarily include the triggers in the Xanthichthys family. These triggers are primarily open water plankton feeders and rarely go after shrimp or corals.
Triggers in this family in order of most likely to be reef safe are:
Crosshatch Trigger
Bluethroat Trigger (aka. BlueJaw)
Sargassum Trigger
There are also 2 other triggers that I (along with others) would consider 'reef-safe'. These are:
Niger Trigger
Pinktail Trigger
Even though they belong to different families, they are generally fairly docile and can co-exist in a reef environment. However they have a higher chance of being bullies or feasting on your prized cleaner shrimp or brain coral.
So picking a trigger for your reef is kinda tricky and involves analyzing your setup and what you have that will be living with him or her. It also depends on the amount of risk you would like to take.
I originally tried a Niger trigger and it didn't turn out very well as he went after a Flasher Wrasse and completely removed one of his pectoral fins. So I then decided on the Bluethroat and so far, so good. He's been very well behaved and hasn't shown an interest in any of the corals or 8 shrimp I have. (three of which are small sexies)
Hope this helps!
PS. A clown trigger would be a big mistake... (I once heard of them referred to as homicidal maniacs)
Last edited by Psyire; 04-11-2006 at 04:18 AM.