He does have over 800 watts of T5's on that tank which if it was 6' long as I suspect it to be would mean you would be using 3 MH equivalents prolly in the 250W range = 750W ... plus maybe some actinic supplementation of a couple hundred watts
Changing bulbs of any genre 6 to 8 months is IMO too drastic a schedule but hard to argue with success of his tank
I would hazard that anyone that disagrees with his choice of lighting has a tank looking as good or better than what he has accomplished
Originally Posted by StirCrazy
also reading the picture files a little photo shop doesn't hurt either, in fact there is so much hue shift and saturation in one he has a green and lime sailfin tang, and a teal powder blue tang.
Please post a pic of what you are referring to ... he does not own a powder blue tang so not sure what tank you are looking at ???
I did not mean for this to be a contentious issue
If you like MH then buy MH ... The question posed at the top of the page was whether it was necessary to have MH and that tank proves that it is not ... thats all