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Old 04-11-2006, 01:36 AM
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Update: New tank is now set up completely (which was on hold for plumbing for quite a while). I just completed my durso today, and that has dampened the roar of a 22" water drop. I think I'll have to try some additional mods to silence it more, but I'm going to let it sit for a while like this.

A very bad picture of the new setup is below. I'm using a loaner computer, and absolutely no editing software to adjust balance or size or anything, so it is what it is.

I bought a 44g from Aqua Giant as the replacement tank. I'll post another message in the review forum about that.

Slowly coming back. We lost a lot of corals though. Most of our acros didn't make it, some of our digis got creamed, our xenia and anthelia were wiped out (maybe a polyp or two survived, we'll see), and most of our other sps are looking very stressed. Time will tell, but we went from a tank looking very mature for its age to one looking like it is just starting out.

Thanks to those who wrote to express sympathy.


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