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Old 04-08-2006, 04:53 AM
clipperfish clipperfish is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Victoria b.c.
Posts: 41
clipperfish is on a distinguished road
Default Kwonledge is helping people

I new here , And i read all the post from begging to end , and i do not judge anyone for there spelling because i am the worse speller and i don't know where to put the comma's and ...... if we had to write letter to get knowledge maybe we would all be great at it . but i cut hair for a living ,i don;t sit at a desk job writeing allday .I speak to people and knowone tells me i speak badly . but before I emmbrass myself the most i write is someone name in the appointment book , but i do read a book aweek ,and thats about 500/ 1000 pages long . i dont sit around and watch tv at night .