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Old 04-06-2006, 04:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Beermaster
The Scary thing is, My 2 oldest where at the local swimming pool here in the grove on Sunday, where a Black man came up to them and gave $5 for the vending machines

no the scary thing is that people are still scared of BLACK people! If a white man gave your kids money for the vending machines, you'd probably think he was some nice man..

I feel sorry for the little girl, but im happy she wasn't raped...

But I feel really REALLY sorry for the scores and scores of black men who fit that general description who will be pulled over and harrassed until they find this man... because i wouldn't wish to subject anyone to the harrassment that our racist police force can dish out...

Just my two cents.
20G Softies/LPS + Clowns Etc.
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