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Old 04-02-2006, 11:17 PM
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Ruth Ruth is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Fort St. John, British Columbia
Posts: 1,605
Ruth is on a distinguished road

I'm not very good at keeping a record of livestock additions/losses and I should be particularly with coral as I can never remember the names of them. Most of my fish I remember approx. when I added them and also if I lose any - which thankfully has been very few after I figured out that my SOB dottyback was chasing my gobies into the carpet anemone.
Water params I test at least once a month and record my readings on a simple table in Word. I test for Ca. Alk/DKH, magnesium and phosphates unless I see a problem and then I might also test for nitrates, nitrites and very rarely ammonia unless I am getting a nitrite reading of some kind. On occasion I test for Iodine and Strontium. I use all Salifert tests with the exeption of Phosphates which I use I Hanna colorimeter for and calcium which I use a pinpoint calcium monitor for. I do test each new bucket of salt that I open but do not record the readings.
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