Thread: tang
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Old 04-01-2006, 02:05 AM
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Yellow tangs can be very territorial. I have a Regal and a Yellow in my 230 that I introduced at the same time so they are fine. I tried putting my Moorish Idol in this tank and the yellow went nuts and was attacking it every chance it got - trying to slash it with it's tail. I ended up moving the MI to my 190 where he is doing just fine - knocking furiously on wooden head - for the last 4 months with his buddy my Naso Tang.
Just a side note because I don't know how your system is set up or how big these fish are but your tank may not be large enough for these 2 fish as tangs really need a lot of swimming room and it is usually recommended that you have a 6' long tank. If they are small you are probably OK for now.
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