To prevent non-payment, the following item bought by the username mention after the item. please PM me with your contact phone number and arrange payment, if i do not receive reply the item will go to the people waiting in line. thank you.
1. Euroreef ES5-3 protein skimmer. $250 (STILL AVAILABLE)
2. SQWD director, used 1 month. $40 (TRANVICTOR)
3. Fluval 204, used 1 day, with foam/media NIB. $100 (STILL AVAILABLE)
4. MH light pendent for 175-400SE (dome shape). $40 (FISHFANATIC)
5. Coralife 24 inch T5 fixture, used 2 weeks, 1 10000K and 1 antinic, black. $50 (TRANVICTOR)
6. used 90 gallon tank with sump, overflow and stand. $100 & you haul
7. Kalk Reactor, bought 2nd handed, never seen water, DIY 24" tall with recirc pump maxijet. $150 (STILL AVAILABLE)
8. Seios 1100, 2 of them. Seio 1500, 2 of them, in operation right now. seio1100 - $50 (whitsunday) and seio 1500X2 $60, used 1 month.
9. Aquamedic Oceanrunner 3500 pump. $60 (whitsunday)
PM me for payments/delivery arrangements.
Last edited by verymilli; 03-31-2006 at 03:55 PM.