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Old 03-31-2006, 01:14 AM
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seashells seashells is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Surrey
Posts: 302
seashells is on a distinguished road

Sorry to tell ya this...The skimmer may leak from time to time. I have had a remora pro with the preskimmer. Most of the time it works great. Where the hose attaches to the body of the skimmer, I have had it slip off 3 times shooting water out of the tank. Each time emptying 4 to 5 gallons on the floor. Luckily we were home at the times it happened. It may not shoot water out if the pump can drop to the bottom. I tried using a stainless steel hose clamp but the screw begins to rust in a couple of days. I found air conditioner hose clamps similar to that which comes with the skimmer. Much heavier and stronger. I sent an email to Aqua C regarding the problem and they did ship me replacement clamps at no charge.

I was also told by Aqua C that the pump can be upgraded to a Mag 5 for better perfromance.

As for the cleaning it is fairly easy and straightforward. When we do a water change I usually siphon out the skimmer picking up any accumulated sediment .

Hope this helps.

Cheers, Doug
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