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Old 03-31-2006, 12:24 AM
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Ruth Ruth is offline
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Location: Fort St. John, British Columbia
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OMG and we heard it here first!
Bev I ran my Remora Pro on a 44g cube with a 33g sump. I changed it out for a Deltec HOB skimmer and the only reason for doing this was that the Deltec pump is contained in the body of the skimmer and not in the tank and I had no way of actually making the skimmer "hang on the back" it had to be the side because of space issues. I still use the Remora as a back up - I had a little bit of cyno starting and so I just hung the Remora on to overskim and worked like a charm. I can't say one bad thing about the Remora other than the pump for austetics. No real noise, no micro bubbles for me, and no overflows.
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