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Old 03-30-2006, 11:53 PM
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G1GY G1GY is offline
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Posts: 810
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Originally Posted by Beverly
Okay, I checked my pulse and it's still within normal range. Just so you all know

Anyway, got reading about skimmers thanks to the $40 skimmer thread posted today. One link led to another link that led to another link that led to a Google search on Aqua C skimmers.

Holy cow!! Aqua C has HOB skimmers that will fit the back clearance of our tanks. Well, except for one tank, but, heck we can move it forward from the wall a bit if you folks can tell me more about your experiences with the Remora and Remora Pro skimmers.

Our three reefs are a 37g, a 67g and a 120g, each with low bioloads, no sumps, macroalgae in each for nutrient uptake - information you might need to help me decide if these skimmers are useful for us.

Things I need to know before buying ....

- have yours EVER over flowed? (We CANNOT have ANYTHING over flowing in our 2nd storey condo!)
- how common are over flows, in your experience?
- if yours has overflowed, what caused the over flow and what did you do to prevent it from happening again?
- are they easy to remove from tight spaces?
- how easy is it to get into the bottom box for cleaning?
- how do Aqua C skimmers compare to Prism skimmers? (Aqua C's website is far more detailed than the Prism site, so I'm leaning more toward the Aqua C Remoras based on info at their respective sites.)

I just want the facts, so please keep your I-told-you-so's to a minimum, please

All comments about, and experiences with, these skimmers are very, very welcome!

Hi Beverly.

I tried the pre filter box for the Remora and found that it was a huge space waster in my tank. Also, if you're water levell drops a little much..... You leave the powerhead sucking air when using this ugly little box.

For the pickup I just use the stocker screen that comes with the pump.(I still have all 3 BTA's alive and well.)

If the molding is a little too wide(As it was in my case), just use a little Xacto fine toothed saw to trim part of the inside rim off.

Once again, This skimmer can not overflow. It would not be possible.

Maybe put some heavy duty clamps onto the hose that connects the powerhead to the skimmer if you have any worries. The worst thing that could happen is: The powerhead could disconnect from the skimmer and cause the water to shoot upwards if the power cord was not long enough for it to fall to the bottom of the tank. Not likely, but plausable.

Hope this helps.


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