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Old 03-30-2006, 05:40 PM
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Question OMG! Thinking of Getting Remora Skimmers, Need Advice Please

Okay, I checked my pulse and it's still within normal range. Just so you all know

Anyway, got reading about skimmers thanks to the $40 skimmer thread posted today. One link led to another link that led to another link that led to a Google search on Aqua C skimmers.

Holy cow!! Aqua C has HOB skimmers that will fit the back clearance of our tanks. Well, except for one tank, but, heck we can move it forward from the wall a bit if you folks can tell me more about your experiences with the Remora and Remora Pro skimmers.

Our three reefs are a 37g, a 67g and a 120g, each with low bioloads, no sumps, macroalgae in each for nutrient uptake - information you might need to help me decide if these skimmers are useful for us.

Things I need to know before buying ....

- have yours EVER over flowed? (We CANNOT have ANYTHING over flowing in our 2nd storey condo!)
- how common are over flows, in your experience?
- if yours has overflowed, what caused the over flow and what did you do to prevent it from happening again?
- are they easy to remove from tight spaces?
- how easy is it to get into the bottom box for cleaning?
- how do Aqua C skimmers compare to Prism skimmers? (Aqua C's website is far more detailed than the Prism site, so I'm leaning more toward the Aqua C Remoras based on info at their respective sites.)

I just want the facts, so please keep your I-told-you-so's to a minimum, please

All comments about, and experiences with, these skimmers are very, very welcome!


Beverly's 10g Nano YouTube Channel

Last edited by Beverly; 03-30-2006 at 05:47 PM.
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