Originally Posted by Beverly
I know you just asked about Ca, but I don't feel right about just talking about Ca when I do the whole shebang at once.
not a problem Bev, this is the kind of reasoning and spreading I was hoping to see, related and still on topic but expanding the discussion.
Ok for me to explain the coral Ca thing it would take me a hour.. but I can quote and friend used to be on the board as "powerreef" and all I can remember is his first name, Mike. anyways he sums it up really nice and if you want more deep I am sure I can find it but here it is.
(oh and Steve-s is on track)
"Calcium will actually inhibit the molecules in the coral tissue from growing. Since the coral polyp is always pumping in fresh SW the calcium concentration in the surrounding water is the same as it is inside the molecules of the coral. In order for the molecule to survive and multiply it must lower the concentration of calcium with in it. It does this by attaching the free calcium ion to its outer membrane and then secretes it out and forms the skeleton. So the calcium is a waste product in sense. the real player on growth is the carbonate and the reaction it has with CO2 the zoox releases.
So having any level of calcium in your water that is beyond normal balanced levels creates a huge energy loss the coral has to give up in order to free itself."
So from a few months of reading and following stuff like this I personally aim for ~380ppm for my Ca level.
Some one was talking about Alk, I think it was Bev again.. I always keep mine at 13dkh, my softies, LPS and SPS all exhibit more intense coloration when it is at this level and I personally have never seen a bad effect of it.

*everything said above is just my opinion, and may or may not reflect the views of this BBS, its Operators, and its Members. If cornered on any “opinion” I post I will totally deny having ever said this in a Court of Law…Unless I am the right one*
Some strive to be perfect.... I just strive.