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Old 03-27-2006, 05:13 PM
powerboy powerboy is offline
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Location: inside a faraday cage in the middle of a lightning storm
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Default Getting out of hobby sale


I have a 90gal marine tank and I am getting out of the hobby. My floors are also being replaced so the sooner the better.

I am going to let this stuff go cheap to facilitate a quick sale. There will be no shipping etc on my part.

The contents of the tank are as follows.

75-100lbs of live rock. (Sold) (some real nice pieces) The tank has been set up for over 4 years.

Not really much in terms of corals anymore. A few softies.

A very healthy show size Regal,

Yellow tang.(Sold)

A large bengai (SALE PENDING)
A couple green chromis
A bi-colour blenny

There are a breeding pair of oc. clowns. These fish have been together for 5+years and are laying eggs every couple weeks. I would prefer to keep these guys with their LTA as its been a nice pairing for many years. (Sold)

Bunch of snails/crabs etc.(Sale Pending)

Theres also a tube anenome available.(Sold)

Theres also a bunch of equipment (halides (Sold), vhos, pumps etc) These items we can talk about.

The 90g tank (SALE PENDING)

Please pm me and we can arrange meetings. I am not really interested in having a bunch of people in and out of my house all the time to look and potentially not buy anything. As stated, Its basically a blowout. So a few people are going to get some good deals.

If you are serious, please do not hesitate contacting me

Im located in Richmond, BC

* Please note* I have basically responded to PM's with the same response to everyone. It will be a first person to reply and agree to the terms who will be offered the items.

Last edited by powerboy; 03-31-2006 at 05:12 PM. Reason: UPDATE
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