Thread: Is it possible?
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Old 03-27-2006, 04:32 PM
midgetwaiter midgetwaiter is offline
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Originally Posted by Jason McK
Thanks Steve

We all know there are some very advanced and successful Reef keepers locally. Why should they contribute to a forum were you can't even search for something without spending $24.00US a month.
This is the other thing that is nice about product review forums, when somebody has an issue with something somebody else can jump in and explain it.

Most forum software was never designed to handle the traffic that Reef Central gets. Searching is tricky from a programming point of view, unless you build it right it can consume massive amounts of resources. The software Reef Central runs was never built to handle this.

As I understand it, the subscription money goes to buy hardware for the site, so there is a good reason for it. I agree that it is a bit much $ though.
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