Thread: Bristle worms
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Old 03-24-2006, 07:48 AM
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I have an overpopulation of them. The ones that I have eat zoos and probably other corals. I watched them eat a huge patch of my zoos as they got hungrier due to my reduced feedings in my tank.

"The orange fireworm likes to eat corals, molluscs and other worms. "

"A more deadly bristleworm, and possibly the cause of the damage to your gorgonian, is the fireworm (Hermodice carunculata). This species attains a maximum length in excess of 12 inches and has powerful jaws that they use to feed on gorgonians, the tissues of hard corals, zoanthids, anemones, mushroom anemones, clams and fan worms. Injured cnidarians are particularly vulnerable to fireworm attack, because they release olfactory cues that attract these predators. However, these worms do not restrict their attacks to unhealthy invertebrates, as you have witnessed in your aquarium with your gorgonian. "

"They are not selective about what they eat, but usually prey on all types of other motile (moving) and sessile (attached or stationary) invertebrates, such as corals, crustaceans, mollusks, sedentary type as well as other errant type bristleworms. "

Last edited by Samw; 03-24-2006 at 07:51 AM.
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