Thread: antibiotics
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Old 03-23-2006, 10:41 PM
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steve-s steve-s is offline
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Keep doing the water changes, you'll find that most of the issue will be the water parameters. Don't be afraid to do larger than normal/more frequent, just be sure you mix up the new SW a day ahead and it's mixed for a good 24 hrs first.

With a recent move, you'll probably have released alot of DOC/bacteria into the water column. The fish are most likely stressed and their immune systems lowered some. It opens the door to opportunistic bacterial infections but if the DOC is reduced (water changes/heavy wet skimming), the problem will usually abate on it's own.

If it doesn't abate or gets worse, you may need to treat but I would not use PARA. In a seperate QT, treat with Maracyn II for SW at 2mg/gal added each day for 7 full days. Do a 25% water change in the QT prior to each new dose. With enough water changes, I seriously doubt you will need to though.

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