I have a Firefish that eats just about anything - as long as it's in the water column. He's particularly fond of ON Frozen foods, but you need to shave it down to small pieces. It's readily available in the LFSs in Victoria.
As for the spots - if they haven't changed/moved in two weeks it's highly unlikely it's ich. If it was ich, the pattern of spots would be changing in cycles, usually spaced in 3-5 day intervals (disappearing and then reappearing -slowly increasing in numbers). I noticed the same thing on mine. A small white spot on his flank near the pectoral fin. I was certain it was ich - until I saw no change for several weeks. My guess is that it's a inert cyst of some sort. If the spots are not changing, I wouldn't worry about it. I agree with Steve, getting your fish eating should be your focus.
Last edited by Rondelet; 03-22-2006 at 03:53 AM.