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Old 03-21-2006, 02:20 AM
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Default How to be a complete Idiot and waste all your money and time.

Well, that's it.... I am so frustrated and angry, annoyed, you name it.

I ordered a 24" Aqualight Pro from a reefer... just arrived today (you don't understand how much I've been looking forward to getting this and setting it up)

Ran into a couple (dumb) problems along the way of setting it up... but after a while I got it ready to go.

Go take off my old fixture.... to put the new one on of course aaaand........

It doesn't FIT!!!!!!!!

Can you believe that? Well, maybe you can... I can't. All that money, the time.. everything, wasted. I am so dumb... I didn't even THINK to get the measurements... I seen 24" and thought "that'll fit over my 20g tank"

Like seriously folks... wouldn't you be seriously annoyed? I know this is 100% my fault.. but it's just the fact of all the money spent and what not....

Anyways, I had to vent.. I had been anxiously waiting for it to arrive and it finally does and I can't use it due to my own stupidity. Great.... What the heck do I do now... let it sit under my bed and collect dust for a long while I guess.

Anyways, I've cursed for an hour or so.. I'm done for the night.. so long.
20g BB Mixed Reef // Coralife 150w HQI // AquaC Nano // Koralia 1 & Seio 820 // Jager 200w // AC50
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