Thread: Reef Videos
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Old 03-20-2006, 03:43 AM
Chrismo Chrismo is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Toronto
Posts: 24
Chrismo is on a distinguished road

It's just a personal project. I am in toronto, so all those tanks are near here. or within an hours drive.

I might arrange a trip to ottawa, and try and schedule a few tanks all in one day. But thats a busy day. And my wife will think I'm an even bigger reeefgeek than she already suspects.

A few people have asked me that lately, It would be cool if they sent me videos and I edit them down and stuck them on my site I suppose, but what do I say if there video really bad? (not that mine are great). hmmm.

I'm gunna think about that, maybe make some kinda submission document.
I'm trying to keep them short... 5-7 mins.

If anyone has suggestions, I'll hear gladly hear them.

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