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Old 03-18-2006, 03:16 PM
Rus Rus is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: abbotsford
Posts: 83
Rus is on a distinguished road

try emailing Curt from Neptune Systems ,[address is either on the website or on the sponser fourm on reef central ] he was extremely helpful with setting up my aq3 ,for networking as well as any programming questions, for ph though you should just have to set up a high and low point for it , there is actually a preset program in the aq that you can adjust to your own preference . there is only 2 ph options if you do not use your orp probe , although they are coming out with a add-on i believe so you can run 2 ph probes as well as your orp.

hth -Russ

Last edited by Rus; 03-18-2006 at 03:18 PM.
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