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Old 03-18-2006, 04:33 AM
sergeantpilot sergeantpilot is offline
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Default Where to buy a new HQI bulb in Calgary

Is there a cheap place in Calgary to get a replacement Hamilton 250Watt DE HQI bulb other than ordering on line from J&L?....I think my bulb is fried....I was working on the sump when I heard this zap sound, everthing on that circuit stopped momentarily and the lights went out for the pendant and refugium....within a second everything came back on line except the pendant. Could this be just a burnt out bulb do you think or a toasted ballast?...I bought the Hamilton 250W reefstar used a month ago. The bulb probably needed to be replaced anyways. Would the ballast still buzz and hum even if the bulb is burnt out? I'm still kinda new at the SW thing. Any ideas would be helpful, thanks

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