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Old 03-16-2006, 09:40 PM
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Originally Posted by OCDP
The weird thing is though......
All current fish in the tank have no ick whatsoever.. not a single spot... that inclues: 1 YWG, 1 Lawnmower Blenny and 2 True Percula clowns

I'm thinking because your flame was the new addition he was probably stressed, thus most vulnerable to ick in the system. Your other fish are not neccessarily immune, but healthy enough to withstand the parasite for now. While he probably didn't appear to have full blown ick, he sounds like he was suffering on and off with it for a while. I'd keep an eye on the rest of your fish. 3 possible actions.
  1. QT the rest of your fish for 6 weeks.. don't bother if you are moving into your new tank
  2. Feed garlic and watch dilligently for 8 weeks to see if any other fish gets ick. If so, treat accordingly with QT, HYPO, UV, Garliand water changes. If you see ick on more fish do not just leave them in the tank, feed them food soaked in garlic and hope for the best. It doesn't work. Prayer and faith might turn water into wine, but it doesn't turn cure ick.
  3. Do nothing.
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