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Old 03-16-2006, 06:17 PM
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Jason McK Jason McK is offline
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I imagine running a small business is a hand to mouth operation at the best of times. Mix in the fact that what your selling has the potential to die and become a huge liability and I think you have to be nuts to own a LFS. That said , I personally shop at 3 LFS only. They have my business for 3 main reasons; Customer service, Price and quality of product. Up until very recently I had never shopped on line. The only reason I have now is due to specific products that were not available locally.
I strongly believe in supporting the local guy and that means that on some things I will pay a higher price. Our LFS can't possibly compete with the Wal Mart of the E-FS and there fore they must win your business other ways, like customer service and better product. If they are not supplying better service and product then they don't really deserve your business.

I to am glad this thread was able to stay civil.

My old Tank Shut down Jan 2011
New 220G build about to start
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