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Old 03-16-2006, 01:37 PM
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Beverly Beverly is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: North Edmonton
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Did you measure ammonia in your tapwater as well as ammonia coming out of your RO unit with your Hagen kit?


If it's true that our test kits do not measure ammonia in the chloramine molecule, why am I measuring 1 ppm ammonia from my tapwater, and .5 ppm from my RO/DI water with my Aquarium Pharmaceuticals kit?

When I first started keeping FW fish in 1998, I used to have an Aquarium Pharmaceuticals chlorine test kit that would measure slightly more chlorine than ammonia in Edmonton's tapwater. Chlorine and ammonia test results seemed to jive with what an Epcor lab guy told me back then about there being more chlorine added than ammonia, and that there was free chlorine in our water supply along with chloramine. The lab guy explained why they added more chlorine than ammonia, but I can't remember why that was.

Beverly's 10g Nano YouTube Channel
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