I "WILL" support local stores if they were more resonably prices. When you do you homework and shop around you almost say WTF. I have to almost bite my lip when I go into a store and there is people purchasing items and I see the prices. I must confess that I do buy softy frags from retailers but thats about it $10-15. LPS $32.99 perhead little deal for mutiple heads SPS 64.99 frag I do love going to these stores "to have a look"
Is our forum that small that the local retailers can lose our business? Cannot they see the extent and risk we are will to take to do group orders? We buy livestock sight unseen !!. I know I would perfer to look over my livestock before purchasing but to save 50-75% I'll take my risks. A local store was selling bangaii's for $64.99

(I have see them as low as $45) and a Vancouver area store sells them for $24.99 now what would any of us do? Support the local guy? or have them shipped? Sometimes I dunno whether to laugh or cry. I guess we are going to have to wait until the locals what to start to take on the online vendors.
I do know this thread will probably not last long I know it sounds like bashing but I think the intent is vent our concerns(maybe the right people will be reading) and to reasure ourselves what we believe in is right so with this said......
RIP Thread