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Old 03-16-2006, 12:10 AM
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TheReefGeek TheReefGeek is offline
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Location: Edmonton, Alberta
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What are the dimensions of your 120?

Sounds like one of your ballasts died, and the other works still.

I would try both your bulbs on the ballast that is known to work to check them out to make sure both bulbs are ok still.

Then I would see if anyone has an old set of bulbs that are 1+ years old they have kicking around (if you dont have any) and try a crappy bulb on the ballast that "popped".

What brand ballast is it? A probe start 250w ballast is about $75 or so to replace at a lighting store, you can do it yourself and keep the enclosure and wiring the same. That is if the wiring is still good and no corroded or anything from the mishap.

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