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Old 03-15-2006, 11:22 PM
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Default Halide Lighting Ballast problems!! help!

Well, I've just upgraded to a 120G 3 days ago and things have been up and running fine until today. My 2x250W halide ballast(single ended bulbs) I've plugged in and out manually the last three days since I didn't have the right timers.

Well, I tried to plug it into my timer today and my GFCI plug went Pop and tripped. Tried to move it back to the GFCI directly and pop, GFCI tripped. Not sure what is happening or why something changed? I have run these lights for several days and had tested a couple of months ago for several days as well.

Anyway, I tried to plug em directly into the wall since I thought maybe the GFCI was not quite enough power and the whole ballast box went pop(and flashed!!) and no lights came on. I only left it plugged in for a couple seconds.

So, I needed some light so I tried to run it with just one bulb and that is now working fine. I am scared to switch bulbs or try them both again as I'll really be screwed if it fails alltogether (I only have my 196W PC light from my 33G to use in emergency).

Anyone know what is going on or what I can do to figure out this problem??
Is it OK to run with just one bulb on??
-Mike (Tank Info / Links / Pics shown below)
120G Reef with 2x250W MH lighting
My old 33G Reef with 192W PC lighting
Live Rock -
These tanks have some purchased liverock, but mostly home made live rock
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