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Old 03-14-2006, 09:32 PM
Noj Noj is offline
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Location: Victoria
Posts: 89
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Originally Posted by OCDP
Does she have an anemone in the tank? Does she bite only when your hands go by there? Or does it not matter where your hands are? My old female captive bred ocellaris was like this as well.

I don't know why it would be jumping out??? Nothing stressing it, or spooking it? That will often do it.

She only has a frogspawn frag in there, that is set up in front of their corner of the tank. No matter what my liverock structure has been over the past year or so, they always take the same corner. And they nip at my hands whenever my hands get within an inch or two of the water. Doesnt matter if I am on the other side of the tank or anything. The female is far more aggressive, but the male takes his share of nibbles.

The only thing that would be stressing the out would be me attaching the frags, and they are the only fish in the tank so theres little that could spook them.
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