Originally Posted by Bartman
With your tank being so new and if you don't have many corals yet you might consider cutting back on your lighting period (if you haven't already). You didn't say whether your live rock was cured or not when you got it. A number of articles I've read suggest slowly raising your lighting period on new tanks from 4 to 10 hours over 6-8 weeks.
The rock I got was 'supposably' curred according to my vendor, however with the delay in shipment I did expect a considerable amount of die-off. The lighting cycle started a week after receiving the LR, followed by MH's a week after that with a short 3-4 hour photo period. After I started with aggressive water changes in the 3rd week I increased the photo period to about 7 hours. So basically for the last 3 weeks my MH's have been on a 7 hour schedule.