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Old 03-13-2006, 05:29 PM
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OCDP OCDP is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
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OCDP is on a distinguished road

Okay.. I've battled HA for a while since starting up... and IMO the best thing to use for it is a Sea Hare. Both that I have owned did an excellent job in removing it. The bad thing is : They are big, and they knock stuff over a lot .

I need to try snails though, as sea hares just aren't good for reefs because of their diet either

Also, LMB's really do not eat hair algae, at least IME. They'll take a bite at some of it every now and then, but they definitely won't get rid of it.

Go with the Sea Hare, and trade it or sell it out as soon as all the HA is gone ! JMO.

20g BB Mixed Reef // Coralife 150w HQI // AquaC Nano // Koralia 1 & Seio 820 // Jager 200w // AC50

Last edited by OCDP; 03-13-2006 at 05:32 PM.
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