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Old 03-13-2006, 05:01 PM
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TheReefGeek TheReefGeek is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
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For a new system only 6 weeks old, you have to expect to go through some algae blooms. So you could try waiting it out. Physical removal can help too.

If you system has cycled, kicked in your skimmer and start 10-15% water changes per week.

A sea hare would clean it up, but then starve to death if you dont have sufficient algae growth in your tank later on. Not saying dont go with a sea hare, just after you tank is cleaned up try to find another reefer with the need for one.

Once you tank has cycled, definately put snails in to help with all kinds of algae. Check what types are available, different snails clean different areas such as rock, glass, or sand. And they eat different things as well.

LMB will help keep new growth limited, but probably won't do much against an existing big build-up of hair algae.

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