Thread: Coraline growth
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Old 03-10-2006, 03:59 PM
McNasty McNasty is offline
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Originally Posted by TheReefGeek
Bring a sample into your LFS they should test it for free to see if your test kit is off.
I live in winnipeg enough said LMAO.

I used the reference tests and it shows my results are alittle off but not by that much, My alk is still stitting close to 4 - 4.5 meq and calcium is still around 425 - 450, my ph is stable at 8.1 and has not changed and i recalibrated my meter just to make sure.

I am useing a prarie reef top off system and kalk reactor, and I was having my top off run through my reactor, so i changed the way my system tops off,

I split the line before it hits the solinoid so i have one line running to my reactor and another line strictly for fresh water. I set my drip rate at aprox one drop every 20 seconds or 3 drops a minute, so now when my top off comes on it will just be fresh water instead of kalk saturated water.
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