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Old 03-09-2006, 08:25 PM
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lil_clownfish13 lil_clownfish13 is offline
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Red face Picking Corals off of Rock

Hi All,

So im getting kinda tired of how crowded and messy my tank has been looking these days, so i want to "prune" my corals off the live rock, redesign the tank and then put them back without having to stack the LR dependant on where a coral is situated on the rocks. I have assorted soft corals, colt, xenia, gsp, braerium, mushooms and zoos/protopalys. Anybody tried this with success?? (i realize braerium/gsp are going to be impossible). Technique suggestions would be fabulous!!

Frustrating ordeal as i will have to take the tank apart, and then i will also be replacing the sandbed.

Second question is in regard to sandbed. Has anyone had any experience with black sand? Big als sells a "Marine Sand" that is black-- and i was thinking of giving this a try as a substrate? Any comments?
20G Softies/LPS + Clowns Etc.
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