[size="3"]ok so the meet is on March 26 @ 11:30 hope to c every 1 there!!!!!!!![/SIZE]
plz pm me 4 the addy so i know how many is coming to the meet n how much food 4 lunch to make.........................DONT 4GET TO BRING UR FRAGS
The Reef Geek is having 6 or 7 pound piece of rock as a door prize
im going to try to get a LFS to provide a door prize too
is ne 1 doing a demo????? if so plz let me know what i can provide !!!!!!!!
is a 20g holding tank good or do i need a bigger 1 plz let me know
Tank Info:
-170 + lbs of LR
-3-4 inches of sandbed
-1 tang, 2 yellow wrasse, 1 dragon goby, 1 zebra goby, 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 per. clown, 1 blue damsel, 1 ladder goby, 1 horseshoe crab, 1 molly, 1 leopard wrasse
-4 assorted anemones, star polyps, fox coral, pulsing xenia, button polyps, toadstools, assorted mushrooms, flower pot