Thread: Coraline growth
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Old 03-09-2006, 04:59 AM
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Originally Posted by McNasty
Just wondering what some tank and lighting specs are and Coraline growth every one has.

I myself can not grow coraline in my main tank.

Lighting consists of

4 t5
1 400 w 14k MH
1 175 w 12k MH

tank size 90 Gallon

Calcium 475
Alkinity 4.5 Meq
Magnesium 1325
PH 8.2

Now in my refugium , also close to my skimmer i am lighting with daylight compact flouresent bulbs and coraline grows fine.

Can you have to much light for coraline growth?
before my tank crashed...i had a lot of coraline growth...seemed to do better when i kep the lights to 8 or less hours a day....
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