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Old 03-09-2006, 01:34 AM
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Johnny Reefer Johnny Reefer is offline
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Originally Posted by TheReefGeek
Dont add too much live rock at once, or the die off might spike your tank, add is slowly if you add live.
Die off of what? The live rock? Why would this happen? Personally, I don't think it will, IMHO. I would put your Live Rock all back in the new tank at once. There is nothing better for cycling your tank than LR, IMHO. Heck, I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that you won't even get a cycle that way. I would also add more than just a few lbs, but you could wait on that. Try to match pound/gallon what you have in the 20, eventually, IMHO.

As for "cleaning the living hell out of it" (live rock)....why? IMHO, just swish each piece in some tank water from the 20 in a bucket and Bob's your uncle.

Speaking of tankwater from the 20....try to save as much of this as possible for the new tank so you are not going with 100% new mixed SW.

As for the tank plans and the seems a common trend to me, with most reefers, that one upgrade leads to another. My point being that once you get the new tank going, are you sure you won't want to upgrade your lighting? IMHO, I would research lighting now also, with the idea that an upgrade here just might cross your mind later. No? This way, maybe you will avoid some grief on lighting decisions if you've planned and purchased the appropriate tank.

That's great that you are upgrading. Now you will have a QT tank with the 20g!

Good luck and cheers,
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