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Old 03-08-2006, 10:04 PM
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Beverly Beverly is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: North Edmonton
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Beverly is on a distinguished road


I feel your anger and frustration. Two years ago, I had a lfs employee, where I no longer shop, that told me four various dwarf and non-dwarf angels as well as a butterfly would be fine in a 72g bowfront. So I bought them all, figuring they were all in the same tank at the lfs, and they would therefore all be buddies in my tank. Of course, I should have done my homework much, much better and not bought them at all And, as it turned out, they came down with velvet shortly after being in the tank and, one after the other, all freaking died

We are also limited by space in our condo for the number and size of tanks we can have. Presently, we cannot upgrade any of our tanks unless we take out the fireplace. A 230g could easily replace our 120g if that dang fireplace and some pesky furniture weren't in the way

Beverly's 10g Nano YouTube Channel
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