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Old 03-07-2006, 01:05 AM
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Bob I Bob I is offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 3,591
Bob I is on a distinguished road

Unlike some people on this board I don't claim to know everything. Therefore I won't give advice. From my experience it all depends where you are. Where I live in Calgary, I have had a great deal of success with my tap water. I don't believe for one minute that chemicals get added willy nilly. However, I will say that when I lived in Vancouver many years ago, I had little success with tap water. But then we used Gro-Lux lights because they looked cool. No wonder we fought Cyano all the time. So I say use tap water with caution. Check with people close to you to see if they have success before you do.
To be loved you have to be nice to people every day - To be hated you don't have to do squat.

---------Homer Simpson--------
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